Monthly Archives: June 2014

Is Bolivia saying the south runs backwards?

News Flash: Bolivian officials reversed the clock on the facade of the building housing the Bolivian congress in La Paz, calling it the “clock of the south.”

The actual story is that President Evo Morales said Bolivians should be proud of their heritage and thate there is no reason clocks have to run, well, clockwise.

Kinda reminds me of the changes to traffic lights in China during the Cultural Revolution. People “move forward on red” rather than stop..

And what do the Bolivians think about it?

Shoe shiner Franz Galarza, who works in Murillo Square where the legislative building stands, told Efe news agency that the new clock was “a bad idea”.

“If they want to send out the message that the country is heading in another direction, then they’ll have to make that clear, because all the people who are walking past Murillo Square say they thought it was an error, a mistake.”

Read more at: Bolivia congress clock altered to turn anti-clockwise

And I am not quite sure what this is all about:

Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca, also an Aymara, told the ABI press agency that the new clock aimed to show “it was time to recover our identity.”

“The solar clock, it’s a natural clock,” he noted, adding that “the sun moves to the left in the south and in the north, the sun turns in the other direction.”

Read more.

Looking at a map with north on top and the south on the bottom, the sun “moves” right (east) to left (west) for the WHOLE world.

But if you turn the map upside down so the south is on top and the north is on the bottom, then the sun “moves” left (east) to right (west). For the WHOLE world.

I guess it is nice to see that it is not only a majority of the Republican party and certain former Playboy models who reject science.


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